- Very, very addicting. Rooftop leaping has never been more fun.
- I liked how you could chose between a few different looking characters.
- Physics. The game had very fun physics. For example: I'm on a rooftop and I see an agility orb pretty far away on a pipe. Now in my head I'm thinking that there is no way that I will be able to land on that tiny pipe from this far away. But way more times than not, you will land wherever you want. The game makes it feel like you really have to try to land there as well, it doesn't feel like the game does it for you, which is good.
- I liked finding the agility orbs. To be honest, at times I enjoyed just running around looking for them more than the actual main story.
- I liked being able to raise your skills by using them over and over again. Little RPG element there I guess.
- Game was pretty good size, not huge, but big enough.
- Enjoyed how there were ledges everywhere to grab onto so it wasn't extremely hard to find a way onto a roof.
- Good variety of guns.
- Camera was horrible at times.
- Total lack of things to do after you beat the main game.
- REALLY, really short.
- Didn't like how by the time you leveled up most of your stats the main game was over.
- Bugged me that the enemies would continuously spawn until you killed the General.
- Some of the guns to me seemed to just be put in the game to make it seem like there were alot of guns, I only used maybe 4 different guns the entire game.
- Driving was not as sharp as it could have been.
- No side missions besides foot races and car races.
So my verdict is...I'm still glad I bought Crackdown. Only spent 16$ on it and it was worth that. It mixed elements of GTA with Spiderman to make a totally innovative game that yes could have been more polished but still is crazy addictive. I still have that empty, incomplete feeling towards crackdown but it will pass.
Note: Heard that the new Call of Duty will be named World at War is you guys didn't know. It's gonna be set back in WWII which worries me but they can't mess it up right? With how successful Modern Warfare was, they wouldn't mess with the game too much and risk screwing up that perfect blend would they? Also I'm not sure the same ppl will be developing it. Infinity Ward made Modern Warfare right? Pretty sure that's the developers, if not oh well. But also heard that it will have Co-Op which is awesome.
I tried the Crackdown demo on Xbox Live and I wasn't impressed, really.
It's one of the games I'll probably end up buying one day, anyway, haha. Excellent review.
Very good review Mavrek. I agree with you on pretty much everything you said. I for one really enjoyed the game and I'm glad that I bought it. I spent $30 or $40 on it and to me it was worth it.
This was a awesome game baby I enjoyed playing it. lol I loved jumping over the buildings!
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