So I just finished watching 3:10 to Yuma with my fiancee'. And all I can say is "Wow," I was really, really surprised. Now let it be known that I'm not a huge fan of westerns but do enjoy a select few of them. I was not expecting to be into this one as much as I was.
Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) is a legendary outlaw that terrorizes the state of Arizona with his gang. Dan Evans (Christian Bale) is a struggling, poor rancher who is an amputee from a war some years back. Evans is having a land dispute with the a man that basically owns the whole area that is worth owning. One day when Evans has his barn burned down for not handing over his land his cattle gets out and he brings his two sons along to help round them up. On the way to doing the job, they run onto a cliff overlooking Wade's gang robbing a stage coach carrying the new railroads payroll. Wade's gang kills all but one man and Evans helps the man by taking him into the nearby town of Bisbee.
Ends up that Wade and his boys came into town and with Evan's help, they capture Wade and Evans volunteers for 200 dollars to escort him with 4 other men to the 3:10 to Yuma. Now the 3:10 to Yuma basically is a train that runs at 3:10 and takes prisoners to the Yuma prison.
After Wade is captured his boys follow closely now led by Charlie Prince who is played by Ben Foster. Anyone remember the Disney show Flash Forward? Well thats the guy, anyways. Maybe I'm the only one that remembers that show. So the events that follow I won't get into to save you the meat of the movie.
I loved the cast for this movie. Crowe and Bale are both AMAZING. Crowe is a smug outlaw that always has a smirk on his face and is actually comical. Bale was my favorite because he made you feel sad for him being poor and sad for how his kids looked at him sometimes. The internal battle Bale's character has to cope with is also a huge selling point for 3:10 to Yuma.
Final verdict....BUY THIS MOVIE. If not buy, its a must rent. Trust me, I highly doubt you would be disappointed.
Well, then, there's another movie for me to add to the list, haha. Nice review, man!
This was a excellent movie. I hope everyone watches it.
Hrm, I do own this movie(bought on release day-because I heard it was so bad ass). I'd have to say I was a bit let down. I loved the actors and I enjoyed the movie enough to say at least rent to watch it. I don't know that I would personally say it's a must buy. It was just a bit too boring for me at times. It could also be that people hyped it up so much, I was expecting uberness to pop out at me.
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