Ok well me and a couple buddies finally made it down to Soule's Chapel. So much is said about this place and for someone who is very interested in the paranormal but has never had a experience personally or ever have went on a investigation I was antsy to say the least. Now I'm not the type to run away so i made sure to drive so my friends didn't have the chance to leave me if I didn't wanna leave to early.
I did a little research on the place before I went and learned alot of things I was not aware of that in my opinion gave the place just more reasons to have a chance of paranormal activity.
First I'll tell you the things I already knew. Soule's Chapel was a really old church in the middle of nowhere that had been around for at least 100 years. The preacher was supposedly a Satanic worshipper in his own time and then preached at the church when they held service. It's rumored that he tried to dig his way to Hell and that there is or was a hole in the church itself. That preacher was hung from a large tree that looks over the field of the cemetery.
The things I didn't know was that Soule's Chapel was used as a makeshift hospital during the Civil War. Also it stopped being used for services in the early 1900's because it had become a site for KKK meetings, parties, and wannabe Satanists.
This new news really had me excited because it just seemed like a place that had seen tragedy and death and circumstances where there may be things lingering.
The church had burned 2 times during its existence and was rebuilt each time. Then in 2003, two kids from my own school got high and drunk and went and burned the place to the ground and that's how it looks today.
As we got there I noticed that the church was surrounded by pastures on two sides, a road on another, and woods on the final side. The first thing I noticed as we got out of the car was that I could clearly see my own breath which was very, very odd to me because at my house I definitely could not. My buddies took that much to strongly and I noticed that we were definitely in a valley so that explains a temperature drop.
We had our flashlights out and wandered the place for awhile and nothing spectacular occurred. Many paranormal teams have investigated the Chapel and all have reported very morbid EVP's, mist, and a little girl that wanders around the grave sights. For my first investigation I can't say that I have the "feeling" that I hear so many researchers talk about but I felt much to calm. Peaceful even. Once I got past the whole "I'm in a cemetery at midnight.... a supposedly haunted cemetery" thought, I settled down to take in what was really happening and not what my brain thought was gonna happen from the stories I've grown up hearing. I didn't feel what I expected to feel if there was activity there.
We heard a few things here and there but it's so hard to call anything paranormal when your outside for one where there are sounds everywhere and especially when there are woods nearby where every gust of wind that pulls two branches together makes your buddies jump.
Now I know that activity doesn't happen on cue, so I will definitely go back another night. My friends always wanna go on Halloween but I just feel that that's so cliche, and also I doubt I wanna be around the loonies that go hang out there each Halloween that are not investigating, if you catch my drift.
I am a little disappointed that I didn't get to see, hear, or even feel anything. But hey I guess I gotta learn that that's just part of the game. Guess that's why they call it ghost hunting and not ghost catching eh?
Note: Just watched a really cool show on Sci-Fi about the real Crystal Skulls that are appearing in the new Indiana Jones movie. Anybody else heard about them? Was pretty interesting. Some farfetch'd theories but still a very interesting watch.
1 comment:
Your right, paranormal activity doesn't happen on cue. To be honest, it's been quite awhile since I've experienced paranormal activity during an investigation. It's all about patience. I'd say 9/10 investigations won't have jack shit happen. That's 90%, so just got to be in the right place at the right time. Good to get some investigation training at least.
As for that show, it's funny I watched it as I fell asleep last night. I saw a good hour and half. I do think they are pretty wacked out in the head, but it was very interesting.
By the way, if you'd be willing to travel for our paranormal team, I've got an opening for members right now. Check out www.paranormalexploration.org. See ya bud!
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