Hey guys, just a little update. Hey is it weird that ppl that you have never met actually care about wat you have to say or even look forward to reading a new post about someone else's life? I know i really enjoy looking at everyones blog so maybe its not that weird. Your thoughts?
Anyways I have been trying to sell my drum set for like ever now and I finally hope I have a serious buyer. If they dont end up buying them my fiancee and her family are having a huge yard sale type thing this saturday and hopefully I can sell them there. It's insane the number of ppl that come to those things. So I've been unpacking boxes and shoe boxes full of old stuff trying to find stuff I dont mind selling.
I been thinking, I still dont have a next gen console. Ha I bought CoD 4 when I found it on sale one day at the store b/c i plan on having a 360. But lately I have been worrying about whether to get a 360 or save a little more and get a PS3. I have never bought a Microsoft console, I've always stuck with Sony and not until recently have I even considered getting a PS3. I've heard so many problems with the 360 and that worries me. I can't be throwing my money around on something like that, that I cant rely on. I dont have that kind of cash. I absolutely love the 360 library, but the two main games I wanted were CoD4 (which i have...for the 360) and Oblivion. Now I could get both of those for the PS3 so i dunno anymore. I also really love Xbox Live and that is a big selling point to. So any words of advice? I'm still leaning towards the 360 mainly b/c i have heard that they have fixed the RRoD thing so....? What do you guys think? Later
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Movie Review: Pulp Fiction

Alright boys and girls, Pulp Fiction. Quentin Tarantino's first major achievement in film making. I had heard so much about this movie before I finally decided to buy it. Tarantino's style was never a big deal to me. There are 2 reasons I finally made myself buy this movie, one I'm a movie collector, and two...Sin City. I really enjoyed Sin City and after watching it i thought maybe Pulp Fiction was worth a shot. I mean just about everyone had it one there favorite movies list of all time so what the hey.
The movie begins with a couple talking about robbing places and how deranged they are in the way they talk about both each other and their adventures. Two low rate hitmen played by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson go to an apartment complex to retrieve a valuable item to their boss. Jackson's character also recites what he claims is a Bible verse, Ezekiel 25:17 before every execution that he performs. Bruce Willis plays a boxer who gets paid off by the hitmens(that a word?) boss to throw his next fight. Willis decides to not throw the fight and bets the money he was paid to actually throw the fight and bets it all on himself. Now he is on the run and is paranoid. He has a great dream where a pocketwatch goes through absolute hell to end up in his hands. Freakin Hilarious.
The movie follows these characters in throughout the movie. Sometimes they interweave together and it gets just a little confusing at times. This movie started off slow with me and honestly Bruce Willis' plotline was my favorite in the movie. The coffee shop scene toward the end was also a great scene. Pulp Fiction was an alright movie to me. I'm glad I own it and all but lets just say its not on my all time favorites movie list. The movie was entertaining at times and slow at other points. I was disappointed mainly because I was just expecting more from what I had heard about it. It has such a cult following and I expected greatness.
Note: If you guys would I'd love to see a favorite's list of yours. Either leave it as a comment or make a small blog on your list. Cya
Quick Update
Hey guys, just wanted to say i forgot to mention that i had the Panic Room on dvd. Also i found The Pursuit of Happiness dirt cheap today so i bought it, i hope its good. Anyway i updated my dvd list. Pulp Fiction will be my next review, followed by Inside Man. Keep the requests comin. Later guys
Friday, March 28, 2008
Movie Review: Crash

First off let me say that Crash is an extremely controversial movie to some, and a strong dose of reality to others. Racism is the name of the game in this one. It's funny how I first seen this move. A couple of friends of mine, we all went to the movie theater and could not decide on a movie we all liked. So we chose one of us, not me, to pick the movie randomly. He chose Crash, a movie I had never ever heard of. So we go into the theater and I'm hating this. I didn't wanna see some boring movie. Well as soon as the first scene came on everything changed. This movie is not for young kids mainly because its about what really goes on in today's world. Now not every moment that their are interracial ppl all in the same area that these kinds of incidents happen but sadly they still do occur.
The movie starts out with a car crash between a mexican woman and an asian woman. Detective Graham Waters (Don Cheadle) arrives at a crime scene where a body was found. Next a couple of black guys walk down the street talking about the discrimination they go through and complain as Jean Cabot (Sandra Bullock) snuggles closer to her husband Rick Cabot (Brendan Frasor) as the black men approach. What happens next sets in motion just one of the many plot changes in Crash. Almost all the characters in this movie interweave with one anothers storyline some where in the course of the film. Middle Eastern people clash with Mexican people. A white cop training a rookie pulls over a black couple and sexual assaults the woman in front of her husband. Only to later on.....well I'll let you just watch. Crash is both surprisingly well written and every character is so well played. The sad truth is that the events in the movie and the language in the movie are real. Nothing made up here. It's a smack in the face for some who won't believe that our world is like this at times. Suspense in this movie grips you at times when you least expect. Heros turn to villians in one scene, while the bad guy becomes not so bad after all in another. The ending scene in Crash is the most important part of the entire movie to me, the final scene. That's really all i can tell you about the ending.
If you have not seen Crash at least rent it. I would buy it 10 more times if i lost it. It's a movie that i feel people need to see and need to experience. I've let a few friends borrow the movie and a few more have watched it with me. I've never heard anyone not liking this movie. Racism is a very touchy topic to most, but Crash delivers in a way that almost makes you feel ashamed of living in the world that we do. It makes you wanna watch what you say, and even how you look at ppl. Go Watch This Movie.
Note: notafanboy21, I will get you a review up of Pulp Fiction. I need to watch it again to give you a good review. I recently watched Crash so this one was easier. Just letting you know.
My DVD Collection
Alright guys here is my DVD collection, now I will give you the list and if you guys want a review on any of the movies you may be interested in tell me and I will make one in my next blog. If i have no requests i will just randomly give a review on my blog when i feel like it.
- 1408
- 28 Days Later
- 300
- 50 First Dates
- A Beautiful Mind
- A Christmas Story
- Ace Venture: Pet Detective
- Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
- Along Came Polly
- Already Dead
- American Pie
- American Pie 2
- Anchorman
- Anger Management
- The Aviator
- Badder Santa
- Batman Begins
- Behind Enemy Lines
- Blade
- Blade ll
- Blade Trinity
- Blood Diamond
- Borat
- The Bourne Identity
- The Bourne Supremacy
- The Bourne Ultimatum
- Brothers Grimm
- Bruce Almighty
- Cabin Fever
- Casino Royale
- Cast Away
- City By The Sea
- Clash Of The Titans
- Closer
- Collateral
- The Constant Gardener
- Crash
- The Day After Tomorrow
- Death Hunt
- The Departed
- The Descent
- The Devil's Advocate
- Dodgeball
- Doom
- Edward Scissorhands
- Elf
- Ernest Scared Stupid
- The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
- Fight Club
- Forrest Gump
- From Hell
- Full Metal Jacket
- Fun With Dick And Jane
- Gangs Of New York
- Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
- Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
- Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
- Hellboy
- The Hill's Have Eyes
- Hulk
- Inside Man
- The Italian Job
- It's A Wonderful Life
- Jackass: The Movie
- Jackass: Number 2
- Knocked Up
- Ladder 49
- The League Of Extraordinary Gentleman
- Little Miss Sunshine
- The Lookout
- The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King
- The Manchurian Candidate
- Minority Report
- Misery
- Missing In America
- Monster In Law
- Mortal Kombat: Annilation
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- Murder By Numbers
- No Country For Old Men
- Ocean's 11
- Ocean's 12
- Old School
- The Panic Room
- Pulp Fiction
- Pulse
- The Punisher
- The Pursuit Of Happiness
- Radio
- Ray
- Red Eye
- The Ring
- The Rock
- Rumor Has It
- The Rundown
- Running Scared
- School For Scoundrels
- Secret Window
- Seinfeld: Season 3
- The Sentinel
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Sin City
- SLC Punk
- Sling Blade
- Taking Lives
- Timeline
- Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life
- Transformers
- Troy
- Unfaithful
- Wedding Crashers
- What Woman Want
- When A Stranger Calls
- Without A Paddle
- Zodiac
Alright so there it is. Now to be fair, if someone requests a review I will rewatch the movie to make sure it is fresh on my mind. Now that i got the list out of the way I can talk about other things next time, later guys.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Movie Review - 1408

Hey guys, so i just watched 1408 and I'll be honest...I was a little disappointed. The movie definitely had some good points but some of the more negative points at times took me out of the movie.
Mike Enslin (John Cusack) plays a writer. He has written a few books on the 10 Most Haunted....(Enter Whatever, lighthouses, cemeteries,etc.) Well in this movie he is doing Hotels. He finds out about a place called The Dolphin Hotel and is intrigued by the so called "evil" room 1408. The hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson) begs for Enslin to not stay in the room. This is where the movie became just that..a movie to me. It lost the "reality" of the concept to me. I understand that a movie is a movie and farfetched things are allowed but in this movie 56.. yes 56 ppl have died in that room and its still standing. Also something that agitated me was that Mike Enslin was someone who went around the country and stayed in supposedly the most haunted places there were. He wrote a few books where he talked about at least 10 places in each and they were supposed to be the top tier of haunted places and yet he had never yet had an experience. For someone who loves paranormal things I thought it was strange that Enslin went to so many places and never had even one experience. But hey its a movie i get it, I'm just nagging.
The movie is more of a psychological thriller than anything. I wish they would have completely taken out the "ghosts" in the movie because they were awful. They were bright and almost cartoony and really took away from the thriller aspect for me. When the movie stayed away from ghosts the movie was actually done pretty well. It was entertaining to a point, but I was not glued to my seat. This is not a movie if you want to be scared. I'd recommend seeing it once just to get your own impression on it. I can see why some ppl would really like this movie and also why some may be like me and are on the fence on this movie.
Anyways thats my thoughts on 1408. Leave me your thoughts on the movie if you have seen it. I may do more of these reviews if ppl want me to, up to you guys. Well thats it for me today. Until tomorrow, later.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Been Thinking...Yay or Nay?
Heys guys, I was thinking yesterday after watching Shepdawg25's ustream that I should maybe look into getting a webcam and a decent headset. So if you guys have any suggestions I really need them. I'd just like to know how much should i spend on a cam and a headset.
Also i thought maybe it was be interesting to do one of two things in each of my blogs. I could either show you guys all my movies in a list and then if there are any you guys have not seen you could ask me and i could give you a mini written review in my next blog, or I could just write a new review for just a random movie I own in each of my blogs. Good Idea? I dunno. Give me some feedback.
So in a few weeks (April 18), me and my fiancee Tiffany find out what she is having. I'm excited and really nervous at times. It's been a long journey so far and we are not even halfway yet..shew. Anyways thats the update on the baby, I'll keep them coming if you guys are interested.
Also i thought maybe it was be interesting to do one of two things in each of my blogs. I could either show you guys all my movies in a list and then if there are any you guys have not seen you could ask me and i could give you a mini written review in my next blog, or I could just write a new review for just a random movie I own in each of my blogs. Good Idea? I dunno. Give me some feedback.
So in a few weeks (April 18), me and my fiancee Tiffany find out what she is having. I'm excited and really nervous at times. It's been a long journey so far and we are not even halfway yet..shew. Anyways thats the update on the baby, I'll keep them coming if you guys are interested.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
First and Hopefully Not The Last Post
Hey guys, I started to blog from an idea from Shepdawg25. I don't have a webcam and was trying to find a way to connect with people. Now whether anyone will be interested in this blog is yet to be seen but I figured I would give it a try. I'm 19 years old, am engaged and have a baby on the way (Sep. 4). I enjoy interacting with ppl and have quite a few interests that I share with a lot of ppl from Youtube. I love Movies, Music, Gaming, and Paranormal topics among other things. I enjoy questions and things of that sort so feel free to ask me things or share your views on different topics i may talk about.
I'd like to take the time and thank Shepdawg25 for his ustream airing last night. I was really surprised at how simple the whole thing was and he was a pretty cool guy. I think the thing that drew me to his videos was that he reminded me of just one of my boys that i hang around with. Anyways, the ustream thing was very cool and he stayed on there for a lot longer than I had expected. From 7 to like maybe 10:30 i think. So thanks Shep and keep em coming if you have the time.
Now I don't know many people on the net as of now so I'm hoping to get some ppl who share my interests or can enlighten me on new things that I may enjoy.
Well i'm finishing up on my first post and hopefully more ppl will read this. Please comment or ask questions or invite me to your blog. I'm very interested in other ppls views so feel free to talk about really pretty much anything. Later guys
I'd like to take the time and thank Shepdawg25 for his ustream airing last night. I was really surprised at how simple the whole thing was and he was a pretty cool guy. I think the thing that drew me to his videos was that he reminded me of just one of my boys that i hang around with. Anyways, the ustream thing was very cool and he stayed on there for a lot longer than I had expected. From 7 to like maybe 10:30 i think. So thanks Shep and keep em coming if you have the time.
Now I don't know many people on the net as of now so I'm hoping to get some ppl who share my interests or can enlighten me on new things that I may enjoy.
Well i'm finishing up on my first post and hopefully more ppl will read this. Please comment or ask questions or invite me to your blog. I'm very interested in other ppls views so feel free to talk about really pretty much anything. Later guys
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