First off let me say that Crash is an extremely controversial movie to some, and a strong dose of reality to others. Racism is the name of the game in this one. It's funny how I first seen this move. A couple of friends of mine, we all went to the movie theater and could not decide on a movie we all liked. So we chose one of us, not me, to pick the movie randomly. He chose Crash, a movie I had never ever heard of. So we go into the theater and I'm hating this. I didn't wanna see some boring movie. Well as soon as the first scene came on everything changed. This movie is not for young kids mainly because its about what really goes on in today's world. Now not every moment that their are interracial ppl all in the same area that these kinds of incidents happen but sadly they still do occur.
The movie starts out with a car crash between a mexican woman and an asian woman. Detective Graham Waters (Don Cheadle) arrives at a crime scene where a body was found. Next a couple of black guys walk down the street talking about the discrimination they go through and complain as Jean Cabot (Sandra Bullock) snuggles closer to her husband Rick Cabot (Brendan Frasor) as the black men approach. What happens next sets in motion just one of the many plot changes in Crash. Almost all the characters in this movie interweave with one anothers storyline some where in the course of the film. Middle Eastern people clash with Mexican people. A white cop training a rookie pulls over a black couple and sexual assaults the woman in front of her husband. Only to later on.....well I'll let you just watch. Crash is both surprisingly well written and every character is so well played. The sad truth is that the events in the movie and the language in the movie are real. Nothing made up here. It's a smack in the face for some who won't believe that our world is like this at times. Suspense in this movie grips you at times when you least expect. Heros turn to villians in one scene, while the bad guy becomes not so bad after all in another. The ending scene in Crash is the most important part of the entire movie to me, the final scene. That's really all i can tell you about the ending.
If you have not seen Crash at least rent it. I would buy it 10 more times if i lost it. It's a movie that i feel people need to see and need to experience. I've let a few friends borrow the movie and a few more have watched it with me. I've never heard anyone not liking this movie. Racism is a very touchy topic to most, but Crash delivers in a way that almost makes you feel ashamed of living in the world that we do. It makes you wanna watch what you say, and even how you look at ppl. Go Watch This Movie.
Note: notafanboy21, I will get you a review up of Pulp Fiction. I need to watch it again to give you a good review. I recently watched Crash so this one was easier. Just letting you know.
Wonderful review for a wonderful film, bravo!
Thanks for doing it. (^_^)
thanks for the metion and thanks for doin another review hopefully get up that pulp fiction review soon keep em coming
Wow. Very nice review. Definitely going to Blockbuster either tomorrow or Tuesday to check it out. Thanks bud!
This was a wonderful movie. You did amazing on your review sweetie!
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