Hey guys, so i just watched 1408 and I'll be honest...I was a little disappointed. The movie definitely had some good points but some of the more negative points at times took me out of the movie.
Mike Enslin (John Cusack) plays a writer. He has written a few books on the 10 Most Haunted....(Enter Whatever, lighthouses, cemeteries,etc.) Well in this movie he is doing Hotels. He finds out about a place called The Dolphin Hotel and is intrigued by the so called "evil" room 1408. The hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson) begs for Enslin to not stay in the room. This is where the movie became just that..a movie to me. It lost the "reality" of the concept to me. I understand that a movie is a movie and farfetched things are allowed but in this movie 56.. yes 56 ppl have died in that room and its still standing. Also something that agitated me was that Mike Enslin was someone who went around the country and stayed in supposedly the most haunted places there were. He wrote a few books where he talked about at least 10 places in each and they were supposed to be the top tier of haunted places and yet he had never yet had an experience. For someone who loves paranormal things I thought it was strange that Enslin went to so many places and never had even one experience. But hey its a movie i get it, I'm just nagging.
The movie is more of a psychological thriller than anything. I wish they would have completely taken out the "ghosts" in the movie because they were awful. They were bright and almost cartoony and really took away from the thriller aspect for me. When the movie stayed away from ghosts the movie was actually done pretty well. It was entertaining to a point, but I was not glued to my seat. This is not a movie if you want to be scared. I'd recommend seeing it once just to get your own impression on it. I can see why some ppl would really like this movie and also why some may be like me and are on the fence on this movie.
Anyways thats my thoughts on 1408. Leave me your thoughts on the movie if you have seen it. I may do more of these reviews if ppl want me to, up to you guys. Well thats it for me today. Until tomorrow, later.
I was absolutely disappointed in the movie as well. I loved the whole idea of the movie, the investigating paranormal places without an experience is far fetched, but I guess it could happen..anyways..I think the ending was the worst part of the entire movie...I agree with your written review. Keep them coming!
I think the movie review was excellent baby. I haven't seen this movie yet. But you did good on using descrpitive details. You should keep up the reviews. Everyone likes them and movies are a fun topic! I love you
yo nice review mavrek im not a fan of horror but im impressed wit the review please check my new entry if u can thnx kepp em coming
thats one of my favorite movies, i never thought of it like that :(. sorry to see you didn't like it
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