Friday, May 2, 2008

Been Busy

Hey guys its been a while. So I borrowed my friends 360 and have playing it for the last few days. He had 3 games and I've been trying to get to all three. He has Call Of Duty 4, Halo 3, and Oblivion. I thought I could do a little mini review for each game.

Now I know most of you have already played these games but I still thought a review would be ok.

Also note that I have played these games before but this time I had Xbox Live, so that changes things.

Call Of Duty4: The great thing about this game is that there is SO much to do. Now the single player campaign is short some say but I found it just fine. After the whole career mode I got on Live and had a blast. There is endless fun in playing real people with real ever changing strategies. There is also something to unlock from new guns to new accessories to perks. So there is a ton to do. Graphics are amazing. One note of that I notices was when you have a sniper rifle you can see a reflection in your scope from whats behind you, amazing touch.

Halo 3: I still have yet to beat Halo on single player. The bulk of me playing was with my step brother when we played Co-Op. That was really enjoyable player side by side. We got on Live to play people but honestly there were not many people on the Doubles network or whatever it is. Halo is fun and it is a change of pace from CoD, but still.......its not Call Of Duty.

Oblivion: Now Oblivion could honestly be my favorite game ever. Its huge. So much to do and unlock (which I love). I love games that give you the most for your dollar. The free open world is great and the graphics (except for some peoples faces) are amazing. I can't stop playing it sometimes and I swear I'm burning my brain, I can feel it. Hours and hours have gone by mindlessly playing Oblivion and still I have barely made a dent in this huge game. GO BUY IT. Only 30 bucks brand new.


Sixty X Celph said...

The co-op experience is probably my favorite thing about the Halo franchise.

Oblivion I never really bothered to get into much, I'm not really into 100-hour epics of vidgames, y'know? And that's what it always looked like it was to me.

And I've never really tried any of those military games, like, CoC or GRAW. Though I played a demo for the first GRAW and liked it a lot, so I may end up checkin' those games out.

Nice to see an update from you again. (^_^)

Shepdawg25 said...

Halo 3 was fun, I'll admit. Not being a Halo fan at all(played an hour of Halo 1 and never opened Halo 2), I bought Halo 3 solely for multiplayer. The online experience was fun, but I actually enjoyed the story line to Halo 3, too bad I was lost all the time.

Oblivion is EPIC. I never completed near what you could, but I put enough play time into it to say I love the game.

COD4 is probably in my top 3 shooters of all time. The story was fun as hell(was short though to me), but the multiplayer is where the replay value is at.