The movie starts with David Drayton (Thomas Jane) and his family getting into their storm cellar after a freak storm passes through their small Maine town. After the storm is over a freak Mist is seen in the distance, but they think nothing of it. Drayton and his son go into the city to get groceries to stock pile up for the lack of electricity. While in the store a man runs into the store and yells a somewhat cliche' sounding line of "There's something in the mist." And so begins the drama. The trapped shoppers split into 2 camps: those who believe it is an act of a vengeful god who demands human sacrifice and those don't. A crazy lady played by Marcia Gay Harden preaches that God is angry with how the human race has acted and needs sacrifices. Most don't believe her at first but then more into the movie, the things that happen coincide with what she is saying. The division between the two groups of people turns violent on more than one occasion.
All I know is that I never was bored or restless during The Mist. It kept my attention and to me was surprisingly good. I was terribly afraid of how they would make the creatures look because I knew that if there were horrible that that would be the end of the movie to me. But they never bothered me very much. This is a scary movie but has a light comedy feel at times. I found myself laughing many times during the movie. The end was great to me. My fiancee HATED it but I really enjoyed it. I think she hated it because it wasn't a typical movie ending that we are all used to, but that's exactly why I loved it. I never saw it coming. This is definitely at least a rent for you guys. I will have this in my collection soon. Give The Mist a shot and you may just be like me, someone who was somewhat interested but had heard a few negative things and actually turned out really enjoying the movie.
Note: Again I'm gonna take the time to thank Shepdawg25 for his ustream last night. We all knew he was tired but he got on anyway. Really appreciate it man.
Anything for you guys. I'll have to check the mist out now. DAMNIT! You convinced me on Crash and you were 100% on the money, I was trying to stray away from this movie, but you've convinced me yet again Sir.
Oh, gods, the ending. There were two things I was immediately worried about when I heard there was going to be a movie based on The Mist. How the creatures would look and how they would manage the ending.
Read that story, mate, it's fantastic.
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