Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ramble, Ramble

Movie Update: I bought I Am Legend and American Beauty.

I may do a review for The Mist next for Sixty while the movie is still fresh on my mind.

I've gotten back into reading a whole lot more lately. I've always been a big reader. I bought 2 new books: I Am Legend and I wanted The Mist and found it but found Stephen King's Skeleton Crew which had The Mist and 21 other short stories and 2 poems and it was only a dollar more so that was a no brainer. I love to read and I can read VERY fast (swear it runs in the family) but sometimes I feel that all the books that I say are my favorites are all the same genre, some even kiddy. Oh well, like what you like right?

OK so two questions I have for you guys. First, do you like the books better or the movies that portray them? And Why? I ask this because I read Stardust two days before watching the movie and the book was SO much better. The movie was good and all but I LOVED the book. So much was left out of the movie. But as far as I know that's how every movie goes, leaving out so much.

And second, I was sitting and wondering the other day what makes a great game great to me? So I wanna know what makes a game good to you guys? I love games where you can grow your character (Oblivion) and also depth is a must for me. So let me now your guys opinion.

1 comment:

Sixty X Celph said...

Why do I like movie adaptations better than the books/comics they are based upon?

Simple, they're two different mediums. You simply can not express and convey a book in its entirety in a celluloid format. It is impossible. There must be revisions and substitutions, if not flat-out omissions. Thus, a book simply has more; more story, more character development and character insight, and more imagery.
Another reason is because in a printed format you can actually delve into the mind of characters a bit, there's explanations as to what they're thinking that can only be [hopefully] portrayed by an actor on a screen in movies.

What makes a great game great? I'll keep this one shorter. Excellent plot and excellent delivery of the plot [pacing, dialogue, believable voice-acting if there's spoken dialogue etc.]. 'Nough said.

I have Skeleton Crew and I love it. I look forward to a review for The Mist! *crosses fingers* (^_^)