Monday, April 7, 2008

New Movies

Hey guys, I got a few new movies. I'll update my main DVD list if you wanna refresh your memories. Anyways first off my cousin gave me Full Metal Jacket. Never seen it but oh well, a movies a movie to me. My fiancee bought me Big Fish. I have been dying for it and for some reason its been really hard to find actually. So ha totally love her. Also I bought Stardust, Superbad, and Ocean's Thirteen today. So there ya go. Have a good one.


Shepdawg25 said...

Full Metal Jacket and Superbad both kick ass. I've yet to see Stardust, Ocean's 13(hated 12) or the Big Fish. I did watch Crash, and it was a very good movie.

Sixty X Celph said...

Superbad does kick ass, but I only ever really dug the first half of Full Metal Jacket. I think the first half's amazing, then the second just kind o' goes "Meh, well that's ok, I guess."

Either way, excellent movie choices! I'd love to hear what you think on Stardust, I haven't seen it yet.